April 01, 2011




Art Lab

an experimental,

multi media

and  new creation


 workshop | performance | bazaar distro

for all ages

W a k t u   / Date

10.00 – 22.00 / 10am - 10pm

Erasmus Huis
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. S-3
Kuningan, Jakarta 12950

T. +62-21-524 1069
F. +62-21-527 5978
E. erasmushuis@minbuza.nl

Peserta  / Participants
Workshop                  : DJ, VJ, video artist, visual maker, visual artist mau pun performer [performance artist] baik individu mau pun institusi serta umum dipandu oleh para penyaji workshop yang merupakan para ahlinya dan bertaraf internasional baik dari Indonesia mau pun dari Belanda.

DJ, VJ, video artist, visual maker, visual artist and performers [performance artist] both individuals and public institutions will also be guided by the workshop presenters who are experts in international level both from Indonesia also from the Netherlands.

Contact Us [Registration] : appreroom@yahoo.com | T.+62 21 91872599


08:00 to 9:00 a.m.
Coffee Break
9:00 to 9:30

Workshop 1
10:00 to 12:00 Exhibition Space [front of the Library]
Theme             : Toys Electro Music Lab
Subtema          : experimental electronic music using the material of children's toys,
                     manufacture of electronic musical instruments producing lower  
                          frequency sound using a simple electronic components that easily   
Participants     : General [DJ | student institute / academy of art | artist / musicians |
  performers etc..]

Workshop 2
10:00 to 12:00 Auditorium
Theme             : New media arts
Subtema          : inter-connections between the community as a huge potential in conducting activities in the area of ​​merger between art, science and community-based technology. Not limited to professional DJ & VJ, but also the performers, puppeteer, performance artist, performing artist and so on.
Participants     : General [DJ | student institute / academy of art | artist / musicians | performers etc.]

Workshop 3
10:00 to 12:00 Discussion Room - Auditorium
Theme             : Analogic visual tools 'prototype number 5'
Subtema          : an open platform for experimental electronic audiovisual arts by picking up certain materials in the vicinity such as leaves and litter around us becomes infinite material and footage presented in real-time
Participants     : General [DJ | student institute / academy of art | artist / musicians | performers etc.]

12:00 to 13:30

Workshop 4
14:00 to 16:00 Auditorium

Theme             : Laptoporchestra 

Subtema          : experimental electronic music using a laptop as much as possible
Participants     : General [DJ | student institute / academy of art | artist / musicians |
  performers etc.]

Workshop 5
14:00 to 16:00 Discussion Room - Auditorium
Theme             : ElecTraditionArt Fussion
Subtema          : incorporation of a fusion between traditional/ethnic art instrumental 

                          and performance forms such as wayang kulit, wayang beber, etc. 
                          with the experimental electronic
Participants     : General [DJ | student institute / academy of art | artist / musicians |
  performers etc.]
Coffee Break
5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Auditorium - 2nd Floor
18:30 to 20:00 Session I
Presenter        : Workshop Participants
20:00 to 22:00 Session II
Presenter        : Pro-DJ/VJ
*) Not confirmed yet

10:00 to 22:00

Theme             : Jakarta van Batavia
Subtema          : Jakarta & current civilization progress since the history named Batavia at

                          the time of the Royal Dutch reign
Format             : Clothing Studio Products Exhibition (from some distro) | Exhibition of
              Art Community/ Activities & Electronics Lab

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